Friday, March 21, 2014

Heroes and Villains

Most people when asked if they'd rather be the Hero than be the Villain. I mean, who doesn't want to be a hero. You get the money, the recognition and of course, the love of your life, be it male or female.

I just wanna say that I really LOVE Villains. For me, they are the best characters in any story. A great villain can make a simple much much wonderful than a great hero.

You are Pathetic

It's easier to post a rant than to post a review! LOL.

This is, of course, another rant to AlphaK.

Let me first start by saying, you are a pathetic POS. No matter what clothes you buy or dress you wear. You will always be a pathetic POS. You'll never amount to anything. You need to face the truth and you need to start accepting it. You stupid little bitch! You can keep on talking about all the improvements in your life and whatever. The fact is you are still drowning in debt. You can't even climb out of it! Go chase you stupid little boyfriend and see where that goes. Who know he might be your meal ticket! After all, you don't belong anywhere and you suck at choosing friends!

My life is way way better without you. Your lucky I even have some care for you. You don't deserve any of the help I gave you. Hell, you don't deserve any. You should go ask the strawberry bitch some help. You know. She'll give you all the help you need and even the face sickness. Haha. You don't deserve my friendship and help especially with you insulting me every fucking day! It can't be helped... it's in your nature and that's how you were raised. That is something you can't deny... you will always be a squatter wherever you go. You'll always be a freeloader. You deserve all the pain and suffering that's coming your way. You are never respectful to people!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The things that doesn't make sense

Hey blog! It's been a while since I posted something.

Well I guess my life really isn't colorful and it is more blackish. Speaking of black. I know this person who's really short and really really black both in skin color and in the heart. I know the header says things that doesn't make sense but I guess some things DO make sense.Well, there's this famous line...

"You were nothing but a liar... a user and i hope you burn in hell for it."

Hope you like it.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Girls Are Players!

Why am I surrounded by girls that are players? The types that play with you heart? I mean, I've been writing about AlphaK by now. I guess I should have learned that she can't be trusted and that she's a leech. I was and still am a fool. I guess sometimes fate just loves messing with me. I mean, all of my previous girlfriends cheated on me. Shouldn't it be the other way around? I mean, I guess, it's better that AlphaK hurts than what I am feeling right now. I waited for you for nothing. You just lied and used me. You belong with Bravura.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Once upon a Time!

After a week of waiting, it's finally back!

I really really hated the cliffhanger of the previous episode but I loved this one.

You can get the episode below. You won't be disappointed!


Elysium is out!!

Download Elysium (2013) 1080p torrent

It's out! Quick go and watch it.

You can get it at here!


This is what you did. I'll forgive but I'll never forget.

On November 28, a close friend of mine, made a choice. I call her under the codename of AlphaK. Well, AlphaK, pretty much broke my world and I've lost my trust. You chose to side with Bravura. I can't even begin to describe the hurt and betrayal I am feeling. I've always been there to help you in your time of need. I've done my best to assist you every time. It looks like it never really mattered you just needed a slave and a fool at your beck's call. You've made your choice and live with it. I just hope that when you need them, they'll be there to support you.

You've taken away my sun but I'll always have hope. Life may not get better but I will survive this. The question is, will you survive? You chose your gay friend over someone who's helped you for such a long time. I wonder, if he'll help you when you really need it. Remember, there's a reason why he's gay. You'll find and experience it soon enough. The 28th of November is when you all died for me. Your downfall and failure will be music to my ears. I've lived in the darkness and I'll survive this

"Hope saves. Fear kills." - Karen Marie Moning

I've seen hope and she'll save me. I won't fall as easily as you! Besides, I'm already dead. You've killed me and I'm just a walking corpse or a zombie if you would prefer.